Monday, July 8, 2013

Don't Eat The Pasta Salad

Poor choice of the evening...eating the pasta salad.  Why pasta salad did you look so good?  Why did you tempt me with your array of colors and textures?  Why did you call to me from the entire table filled with food?  Your neighbor, the crescent, would not have treated me this way.  The fruit salad two dishes down from you would not have treated me this way.  Why did you have to choose this evening to unfold your dastardly ways?  You leave me no choice.  No, pasta salad I will not partake of you next time!  I will not succumb to your noodly ways with your vegetables, cheeses, and dressings!  No manner of shape be it rigatoni, ziti, or rotini will tempt me to come back to you.  I say nay!  Oh look.....that shell salad looks kind of good.....


  1. Who knew pasta salad was so caniving? Thanks for the warning! I will have to keep a close eye out next time I cross paths with any evil pasta salad.

  2. never explained---was it good or was it bad???
