Thursday, March 13, 2014


What do you do when the power goes out at your place of work and you are a computer based company?  Play foursquare of course!

The power company was working on our street throughout the day and right around 2 o'clock they must have shifted, cut, or disturbed something that caused the power to be turned off in our entire building.  It only took about a minute for most of the company to vacate their desks and gather around for a spirited game of foursquare.

We have a thing called game day Thursday in which we play a short (normally around 5 minutes) game of some kind.  This week it was foursquare so the taped foursquare "court" was still outlined on the floor.  It was fun to gather together and play against one another.  None of us was very good, but we had enough "skill" to make it enjoyable and sometimes even funny.  This only lasted a few minutes until the power came back on and we all had to go back to work, but I loved every moment of it.

I was even roped into continuing the game after hours when most people had gone home for the night so all in all I would call this a successful work day.

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