Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Onions Are Mean

Yah, you heard me!  Onions are mean.  I have been chopping onions for a long time.  I spent 8 hour work days as a prep chef chopping onions and I have never teared up as much as I did chopping onions tonight.  2 small yellow onions made my eyes well up to the point that I could not see.  I got to the point where my left sleeve was sopping from the amount of water flowing from my eyes.  It was crazy.  I mean crazy!

I hope all those men that end up eating and enjoying the chicken enchiladas that I made this evening appreciate the tears that were shed for them.  I would say that blood, sweat and tears went into this, but I can only say that tears were a major component.  No need to be grossed out by this.  The tears didn't actually make it into the enchiladas.  I just cant believe how much water was brought out of me because of 2 onions.


  1. Your tears will not go unnoticed. I'm sure all these men; I included will shed tears of joy upon eating your tear soaked enchiladas. My sincere graduate comes your way. PS. I love your new blog page and title. Lov ya Dad
