Thursday, September 3, 2015

Let's Get Personal...

Arachnophobia is real.  It is a real paralyzing fear.  2 mornings ago as I prepared for my day I was hit by this paralyzing fear.  I walked into the bathroom in my apartment and what was there to be seen but a giant spider (to me any spider larger than a grain of sand is giant (don’t even get me started on the monsters that love to be viewed and framed by the meeting room windows at my place of work)).  What was I to do?  I needed to take a shower, but the shower stall was being guarded by the worst of advisories.  Many thoughts ran through my head.  Do I take a shower and ignore the beast?  Do I run away and never use that bathroom again?
Realizing that my teammates at work probably would not appreciate me coming to work in an unshowered state I decided to only slightly lower my fear and jump into the tub.  I had a plan though.  If I showered and the spider had moved anywhere while I was in the shower I would run from the bathroom in my unclothed state, leaving even my towel behind (because at that point I would have no idea where the spider had gone and it could be in my towel) and never use the bathroom in my apartment again.  A good plan right?  I thought so.  Should I even mention that I was pretty certain at this point that the spider might have been dead (and yes, I realize that you can’t use the words certain and might to describe the same thing, but I just did so deal with it)?  Oh well, that was my plan and I stuck with it.
Luckily upon finishing my shower, I slowly pulled the shower curtain aside and found that the spider had not moved (it could have been dead).  Whew, I could walk only slightly faster than normal to get back to my room without needing to streak through unclothed.
At this point you would think that my morning was done with giving me any sort of intensity.  You would be wrong.  As I finished preparing for the day I sat on my bed and in the corner of the room I started to hear a scratching sound.  It was coming from one of my bags.  What was this new terror you may ask?  I HAVE NO IDEA.  I still to this day have no idea as to what was scratching in my bag as we do not have any animals in my apartment (hopefully) and it sounded too big to be another spider or bug.  
Pushing down my fear once again I bravely  (if I do say so myself) grabbed the bag, ran out of my room, and set the bag down in the middle of the living room to hopefully coax the unknown being out of the bag, well away from any bedrooms, and be free of my terror.  Too bad it was time to head to work.  There the bag sat all day until I came home.  
I haven't found any scary furry, crawly, or fear inducing animals running around my apartment so I could have been imagining things (not likely as the scratching was continuous) but I do know that the scratching stopped and hasn't resumed.
All I can say is thank goodness to brave roommates who dispose of dead spiders and give me the opportunity to use the bathroom without the company of creepy crawly things.   Also thank goodness that the fear inducing being that left my bag without letting its real identity be known to me so that I can obliviously live in my apartment thinking there are no scary things roaming around my place of residence has left.  I think.......