Friday, August 23, 2013

Let The Games Begin

So...I have put off buying groceries ALL week.  I just have not had the desire to go shopping for food.  I am becoming very adequate at living off of very little.  I used to have cans of food that continually remained in my cupboards as food storage, but lately those cans have actually been used as real food stuff (can I call canned food real food stuff).  The only problem with living this way is that eventually I run out of all things that are eatable and I HAVE to to buy something that can be used to sustain life.  Here in comes my dilemma.   I am VERY VERY bored of what I have been eating.  Every time I go to the grocery store I inevitably end up purchasing the exact same things.  Why, you might ask?  Because it is cheap and doesn't take much thought or time.  As I have mentioned before I am more than capable of preparing food and some may even say that I have a talent in the field of cooking, but when it is just you it is easier to not put forth the effort.  Now I come to the point of all of this.  I have decided that in my need to go to the store tonight I will purchase nothing (yes, is said nothing) that I normally buy.  This could very well be the most exciting shopping trip of my life if not at least my day.  Who knows what I will come back with.  Cross your fingers and your toes that this works out for me and let the games begin.

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